Parklift 450

New Platform width of 280, 290 and 300 cm available for Parklift 450 single units

The Parklift 450 also offers maximised installation dimension flexibility. Here the trend is to shift away from the rigidly set, 15 cm clearance increments in as far as the pit-depths are concerned and to move toward increased clearance flexibility. In fact, the newly designed pit depths provide for 5 cm clearance increments. Compared to predecessor models, the Parklift 450 furthermore features a clear ceiling height that is 5 cm less, without any reduction to the usual vehicle heights. How does this come about? The previous models feature an elevated platform for drainage of the water accumulating in the relative parking spaces, where the water drains down from the platform into drainage channels. The newly developed systems have done away with the elevation and have resolved the drainage issues by slightly sloping the platform giving it a minimal, 2 % inclination. The single systems are engineered for 2 cars, the double systems for 4 cars.


Product variants

Parklift 450-170 (320)
parklift 450-175 (325)
parklift 450-175 (330)
parklift 450-180 (330)
parklift 450-180 (340)
parklift 450-185 (335)
parklift 450-185 (350)
parklift 450-190 (340)
parklift 450-190 (360)
parklift 450-195 (345)
parklift 450-195 (370)
parklift 450-200 (350)
parklift 450-200 (380)
parklift 450-205 (355)
parklift 450-205 (390)
parklift 450-210 (360)
parklift 450-210 (400)
parklift 450-215 (365)
parklift 450-215 (410)
parklift 450-220 (370)
parklift 450-220 (420)
parklift 450-224 (375)
parklift 450-225 (430)
parklift 450-230 (380)
parklift 450-230 (440)
parklift 450-235 (385)
parklift 450-235 (450)
parklift 450-240 (390)
parklift 450-240 (460)